Kagerou Project Wiki
Ene no Dennou Kikou
Ene's Cyber Journey
Ene's Cyber Journey
Ene no Dennō Kikō
Ene's Cyber Journey
Song Information
Shintaro Kisaragi
Mekakucity Actors
Mekakucity Days
YouTube Logo MCD
Spotify Logo MCD
Apple Music Logo MCD
RecoChoku Logo MCD
Mora Logo MCD
Album Release Order
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Kuusou Forest Dead and Seek

The story about opening your eyes.[note 1]

—Jin's Song Introduction

Ene no Dennou Kikou ( エネの電脳紀行 Ene no Dennō Kikō) is an album exclusive song, featured on albums Mekakucity Actors and Mekakucity Days.


The song connects to Headphone Actor and features the story about Ene who lost her human body and now lives in the cyber world.

At the start, Takane is having a dream about the events in Headphone Actor, where she is told she is something special since she witnessed and survived the world's end. She then becomes unconscious due to formaldehyde, a substance that can turn toxic and kill a human if used in a high amount, and the scientists start experimenting with her body, while her body is experimented on in the real world as well. Her body and mind are separated, but before she can realize what is happening, she already stops breathing. As she wakes up again, Takane has completely turned into Ene and now enters the cyber world, where she follows a blue compass until she reaches the destination she was guided to - the computer of Shintaro.

For the most time, Ene watches Shintaro wither away in his mourning over Ayano, unable to do anything against it since he refuses to listen to her pleas to get him out of his state. Despite Shintaro wanting her gone, Ene continues to stay by his side and is ultimately killed by him. Route XX ends and Ene is again in the cyber world, following the blue compass. Again, she ends up in Shintaro's computer, this time determined to change him.

Lyrics & Translation[]


繋がった電脳心理 糸クズの様

ディスプレイ端末からの 私は随分派手で
気が付いたらもう 完全に息を引き取っていた

あれでもない これでもない
それでもない 指示電波が秒速で部屋に響く

苦しみが 繋がらないドアを開けた

さぁ、Eの波間漂う影 無機質な文字列の談笑
蜘蛛の糸を縫うかの様に 駆ける炎を纏った狐

電子欲の旅は続く 蒼い羅針盤が指す先へ
息を止めて イキヲトメテ
今日はうんざり もう眠ってしまおう

この世界の考えは 110度安定してて

お好みのチャンネルは 2つ目を推奨してる

「Q. 好きなモノはなんだい?」
「A. ずいぶん簡単なことだ、ヒトのフコウのアジだ。」


それでもさ その中で 浮遊した
この感度は どうやらもう馴染みかけて

逃げ出したい 膨らみは 加速して



電子欲の旅は続く 蒼い羅針盤は今日もまた
誰を殺す? 君を殺す?

Eの空が 0と1を今日も平然と垂れ流して
圧縮した逸る心 稲妻の鳥を追い越したら
電子欲の旅の終わり 蒼い羅針盤が指していた



Sekai shūryō no ori ni nigekitte shūen o mita
Sonna no de watashi wa "tokurei" nandatte
Horumarin no kaori ga afure kaeru heya de

Nemuru yōni kokoro to karada ga hanasarete
Tsunagatta dennō shinri ito kuzu no yō

Disupurei tanmatsu kara no watashi wa zuibun hadede
Ki ga tsuitara mō kanzen ni iki o hikitotteita

Are demonai kore demonai
Sore demonai shiji denpa ga byōsoku de heya ni hibiku

Kurushimi ga tsunagaranai doa o aketa

Sa~a, E no namima tadayou kage mukishitsu na mojiretsu no danshō
Kumo no ito o nuu ka no yō ni kakeru honō o matotta kitsune

Denshi yoku no tabi wa tsudzuku aoi rashinban ga sasu saki e
Iki o tomete iki o tomete
Subete ga uso o haku shinjitsu nante
Kyō wa unzari mō nemutte shimaou

Kono sekai no kangae wa hyakujū-do anteishite te
Neji kitta rinri-kan ga ryūkō nandatte

Okonomi no chan'neru wa futatsu me o suishō shiteru

“Q. Suki na mono wa nandai?”
“A. Zuibun kantan'na kotoda, hito no fukou no ajida.”
“Gomikuzuda ne.”

Sore wa sore de ii keredo
“Nani ka okashī!” da nante
Hassō ga chinpu dayo?
Mō shinjae ba ii no ni nā

Soredemo sa sono naka de fuyūshita
Kono kando wa dōyara mō najimi kakete

Nigedashitai fukurami wa kasoku shite

Iki o tomeru

A~a, Toroi no yume tsumi komareta
Tsugihagi darake no mokuba ga iu
“Imi wa iranai, tanoshiku nare“
Dasei de toke dasu honō no kabe

Denshi yoku no tabi wa tsudzuku aoi rashinban wa kyō mo mata
Dare o korosu? Kimi o korosu?
Kurukuru kurukuru to mawatte sa

E no sora ga zero to ichi o kyō mo heizento tare nagashite
Asshuku shita hayaru kokoro inazuma no tori o oikoshitara
Denshi yoku no tabi no owari aoi rashinban ga sashiteita
Disupurei no mukō-gawa de
Sae nai kimi dake ga miteita

Mō sekai wa unzari
Me o samashi chaou

Nante iu ka shōjiki
Chotto waraete sa

(Unofficial Translation)

I was able to see the world's destruction unfolding
Because I was told I am a special case
Inside the room that was filled with the scent of formalin.

As if asleep, my body and mind were separated,
the cybernetic mentality was akin to lint.
On the display terminal, I noticed I was quite flashy
But by the time I had realized, I had already stopped breathing.

Not that, not this, not those!
The sound of the instructional radio rang through the room.
"I want to run away!"
My suffering opened up an unconnected door.

Now, the shadow floating in the waves of E;
A friendly chatter of an inorganic character string.
Like sewing a spider's web;
A fox clad in darting flames.
The journey of the cybernetic desire continues,
right where the blue compass points to.
Hold your breath,
Hold your breath,
Everything is just a lying truth!

I'm already tired of today,
just let me sleep.

The idea of this world is stable at 110 degrees
But distorted logic seems to be the lasted fad.
As for my favorite Channel, I'd recommend #2.

"Q: What kind of things do you like?"
"A: That's simple, for example the taste of people's despair."
"That's garbage, isn't it?"

Well, that's fine and all,
But something like "Something's weird!"
Is pretty old-fashioned, right?
It would be better if you just died already.
Even so, I continued to float here,
I've already become somehow used to this sensitivity.

I want to run away; the swelling hastens
I stop my breath.

Ah, the dream of a troy, getting loaded.
The patched-up Trojan horse says:
"There is no need for a meaning, as long as it's fun!"
The wall of flames start to melt in the momentum.
The journey of the cybernetic desire continues,
Today too, where the blue compass leads.
Who should I kill? Should I kill you?
Spinning round and round and round!

The sky of E is today too calmly,
keeps on discharging 0's and 1's
The compressed and impatient heart,
Takes over the bird of lightning.
The end of the journey of the cybernetic desire,
is pointed out by the blue compass.

On the other side of the display,
I only saw the dull you

I have gotten tired of this world,
I'm going to open my eyes.
To put it bluntly,
Just laugh a little bit.[1]




