Checklist for 10/2024
- Rewrite/Write Novel Summaries
- Novel 1 - COMPLETE!
- Detailed Summary - COMPLETE!
- Novel 2 - COMPLETE!
- Detailed Summary - COMPLETE!
- Novel 3 - COMPLETE!
- Detailed Summary - COMPLETE!
- Novel 4 - COMPLETE!
- Detailed Summary - COMPLETE!
- Novel 5 - COMPLETE!
- Detailed Summary - COMPLETE!
- Novel 6
- Detailed Summary
- Novel 7
- Detailed Summary
- Novel 8
- Detailed Summary
- Update Novel Route page as I go
- Novel 1 - COMPLETE!
- Rewrite current MCA summaries
- Mekakucity Actors - Episode 01 - IN PROGRESS
- Mekakucity Actors - Episode 01/Detailed Summary - TBD
- Mekakucity Actors - Episode 01 - IN PROGRESS
- Eye Ability Pages
- Rewrite/work on all pages
- Add general lists of powers for each ability
Create/add galleries
- Rewrite/work on all pages
- Write Location pages
- Update Character's Personality sections
- Hiyori
- Konoha
- Haruka
- Snake of Retaining Eyes
- Snake of Clearing Eyes
- Kenjirou Tateyama
- Aya…
Checklist for 09/2024
- Work on EVERYONE'S History Pages – Backstory (just rewording), Music Route, Manga Route, and Novel Route up to LN 3
- Mekakushi Dan
- Tsubomi Kido/History - DONE!
- Kousuke Seto/History - DONE!
- Shuuya Kano/History - DONE!
- Marry Kozakura/History - DONE!
- Momo Kisaragi/History - DONE!
- Ene/History - DONE!
- Shintaro Kisaragi/History - DONE!
- Hibiya Amamiya/History - DONE!
- Konoha/History - DONE!
- Ayano Tateyama/History - DONE!
- Haruka Kokonose/History - DONE!
- Hiyori Asahina/History - DONE!
- Others
- Kenjirou Tateyama/History - DONE!
- Snake of Clearing Eyes/History - DONE!
- Snake of Retaining Eyes/History - i'll do this later LOL
- Azami/History - DONE-ISH!
- Shion Kozakura/History - DONE!
- Mekakushi Dan
- Rewrite/Write Novel Summaries
- Novel 1 - COMPLETE!
- Detailed Summary - COMPLETE!
- Novel 2 - COMPLETE!
- D…
- Novel 1 - COMPLETE!
Kagepro Theory: The Moon is the Kagerou Daze's Eye
This is a theory I thought up of after rereading LN 3.
A big question in Kagepro, for a while, has been, "What is the significance of the moon?" It appears in various parts of the series as a key imagery. The moon is first seen in Children Record's PV, in a scene where it is red and actively wanes behind Marry. The fact that it is behind Marry, one of the most important characters in the series, signifies that the moon symbolizes something important that's related to her, in one way or another. As we know, as the holder of the Queen, Marry is the only one in the series who can possibly control the Kagerou Daze, though she does not know it.
The moon is also noticed in Tsukihiko's name, where "tsuki (月)" means moon. However, his name is notabl…
Checklist 08/2024
- Rewrite/Write Novel Summaries
- Novel 1 - COMPLETE!
- Detailed Summary - COMPLETE!
- Novel 2 - COMPLETE!
- Detailed Summary - COMPLETE!
- Novel 3 - IN PROGRESS
- Detailed Summary - COMPLETE!
- Novel 4
- Detailed Summary
- Novel 5
- Detailed Summary
- Novel 6
- Detailed Summary
- Novel 7
- Detailed Summary
- Novel 8
- Detailed Summary
- Novel 1 - COMPLETE!
- Rewrite current MCA summaries
- Mekakucity Actors - Episode 01 - IN PROGRESS
- Mekakucity Actors - Episode 01/Detailed Summary - TBD
- Mekakucity Actors - Episode 01 - IN PROGRESS
- Eye Ability Pages
- Rewrite/work on all pages
- Add Azami's wish + current user to intro
- Favoring Eyes
Concealing EyesStealing EyesDeceiving EyesDrawing EyesOpening EyesFocusing EyesAwakening EyesClearing EyesRetaining EyesCombining Eyes
- Add Azami's wish + current user to intro
Create/add galleries
- Rewrite/work on all pages
- Write Novel Route summary
- Write Location pages
- Update Character's Personality sections
- TO …
Checklist 06/2024
- Rewrite/Write Novel Summaries
- Novel 1 - COMPLETE!
- Detailed Summary - COMPLETE!
- Novel 2 - COMPLETE!
- Detailed Summary - COMPLETE!
- Novel 3 - IN PROGRESS
- Detailed Summary - COMPLETE!
- Novel 4
- Detailed Summary
- Novel 5
- Detailed Summary
- Novel 6
- Detailed Summary
- Novel 7
- Detailed Summary
- Novel 8
- Detailed Summary
- Novel 1 - COMPLETE!
- Rewrite current MCA summaries
- Mekakucity Actors - Episode 01 - IN PROGRESS
- Mekakucity Actors - Episode 01/Detailed Summary - TBD
- Mekakucity Actors - Episode 01 - IN PROGRESS
- Eye Ability Pages
- Rewrite/work on all pages
- Add Azami's wish + current user to intro
- Favoring Eyes
Concealing EyesStealing EyesDeceiving EyesDrawing EyesOpening EyesFocusing EyesAwakening EyesClearing EyesRetaining EyesCombining Eyes
- Add Azami's wish + current user to intro
Create/add galleries
- Rewrite/work on all pages
- Write Novel Route summary
- Write Location pages
- Update Character's Personality sections
- TO …
The Color RED in Kagepro
- IN KAGEPRO: Seems to symbolize childhood itself
- RED notes
- describes the color as the one that "grown ups will never know"
- used directly to define the color of the sunset
- A fleeting color?
- the song itself is about how ephemeral your time spent with childhood friends is
- So.. red symbolizes... the bleeding of your childhood? Your childhood before its death? Your childhood as it's dying?
- Is Kagepro about how your childhood is dying as you're living it?
- Things that are obviously red in Kagepro:
- Eye abilities, Azami's eyes
- Marry's eyes when it's too late
- Ayano's scarf
- Ayaka's pins
- Rin's hair and Kido's underjacket
- Shintaro's jacket
- Takane's Headphone Actor shirt (now I'm stretching)
- Traffic signs
- The red moon
- The color red in general:
- Positive associations: Passion,…
Locations in Kagepro
- Shopping Center
- Novel describes it as TWO BUILDINGS
- Amusement park is on the roof of ONE of the buildings
- NOT where the Mekakushi Dan go in the Manga and Novel Routes!!!
- this is because the terrorist incident closes the shopping center on August 15th
- NOT where the Mekakushi Dan go in the Manga and Novel Routes!!!
- 7th floor of one of the buildings is the electronics department and where the terrorists attack on August 14th
- Amusement Park
- A different amusement park in the city
- Within walking distance of the Mekakushi Dan hideout?
- Marry got tired out, so maybe not close either
- Kido and Kano took a bus there from the local cementery
- Not far from the park/crosswalk where Hibiya and Hiyori die in the Novel Route
- Only seen in the Manga and Novel Routes, but a lot happens in it
- Shintaro's Room
- A lot sure does happen in Sh…
Themes & Motifs of Kagepro
Reject the world around you and claim back your youth
- Children Record seems to say this the most
- Grieve healthily?
- Losstime Memory's Route XX is a BIG example of how to grieve unhealthily
- On that note, Route 01 seems to indicate that moving forward/spending time with the ones who are alive in your life is the way to go
- Otsukimi Recital's story is about Momo redirecting Hibiya's grief... right?
- Losstime Memory's Route XX is a BIG example of how to grieve unhealthily
- Kids deserve to live
- Not everyone gets saved from the Kagerou Daze; only Ayano and Hiyori
- Why does the "two in, one out" pattern happen so often? And why do the kids get out each time? I think the simple answer is "Because they deserve to"
- Azami seems to love kids
- Heat Haze
- Someone in Kagebros pointed out that "Kagerou" can also mean the "ephemerality of human …
- Eye Ability Pages
- Rewrite/work on all pages
- Create/add galleries
- Fill in & edit all captions
- Update Character's Personality sections
- IN PROGRESS: Snake of Retaining Eyes
- Snake of Clearing Eyes
- Hiyori
- Hibiya
- Konoha
- Haruka
- Kenjirou Tateyama
- Ayaka Tateyama
- Tsukihiko
- Shion Kozakura
- Rin Kido
- Ayano
- Kido
- Seto
- Kano
- Momo
- Ene/Takane
- Shintaro
- Azami
- Rewrite Novel Summaries
- Novel 1 - COMPLETE!
- Novel 2 - IN PROGRESS
- Novel 3
- Novel 4
- Novel 5
- Novel 6
- Novel 7
- Novel 8
- Write Novel Route summary
Write up missing Minor Characters sectionsCOMPLETE- Write/rewrite all Characters' History Pages (doing this as I'm rereading/resummarizing the novels)
- Azami
- Backstory - COMPLETE
- Plot
- Takane/Ene
- Backstory - COMPLETE
- Momo
- Backstory - COMPLETE
- Azami
- Rewrite all Characters' Relationships pages
- Wri…
Parallel Universe
A parallel universe, also known as a parallel dimension, alternate universe or alternate reality, is a hypothetical self-contained plane of existence, co-existing with one's own. The sum of all potential parallel universes that constitute reality is often called a “multiverse". While the three terms are generally synonymous and can be used interchangeably in most cases, there is sometimes an additional connotation implied with the term "alternate universe/reality" which implies that the reality is a variant of our own, with some overlap with the similarly-named alternate history. The term "parallel universe" is more general, without implying a relationship, or lack of relationship, with our own universe. A universe where the very laws of n…
The Snake of the Retaining Eyes
Spoilers to those who haven't read the entire manga
There's something that's been bugging me for a while now and I hope someone can explain it to me. We know that Ayano in manga route 2 got turned into the "Snake of the Retaining Eyes" and we know this snake was given to Shintaro. Aside from being a great twist and contribution to the story, I have a question. What happened to Ayano's own ability, the Snake of the Favoring Eyes?
Like did it disappear when her life was used as a snake or did it never leave? Is a snake possessing another snake? And if it never left does that mean that Shintaro also can use the power of the favouring eyes through the Snake of the Retaining Eyes?
Anyone have any AUs they'd like to talk about?
I have a few, like my Forgotten AU, Real Gang AU, Rebound AU... And a few others.
General Updates
- This blog post will be used for any general updates made to the wiki
- [ August 24, 2017 ] All users are now required to log into a wikia account to edit. There has been continued vandalism and disrespectful behavior towards our cherished editor community by anonymous users and we hope this alteration will make these things stop.
- After discussion of the admin team, we have also decided to remove the comment sections from all articles. Rules regarding commenting are too often disregarded (No spoiler warnings, replies to severely outdated content, birthday wishes, theories, etc) which has given us more work than necessary. We would like to make use of Talk Pages for articles improvement and the Forums and/or Blog Posts for fan discussions. We ask…
Nirvana Wikia
I am the creator of the Nirvana Wiki, a Wikia for Jin's newest series. Please contribute as I'm about the only one who is right now.
My Review on Mekakucity Actors
Man, it feels like FOREVER since I've been on this Wiki. I've been quite busy with other stuff (working and all) and I've been attached to Neptunia and Yandere Sim. Sorry.
Kagerou Project Plus-Minus Competition
I don't own this game idea, I only wanted to put it on the wiki since I thought it would be fun. The rules are, you have to give a character a vote of +1 and another of -1. If you only give a +1 and no -1, your vote won't count.
When a character reaches +5 votes, they will move onto the next round and you can't vote for them anymore until round 2 starts. However, if a character reaches -5 votes, they will be eliminated from the game and you can't vote for them anymore.
The game will move onto the next round when all characters have votes of +5 and -5.
Also, you can only vote once a day.
You are allowed to vote for the same character as many times as you want unless they reach +5 votes or -5 votes.
Everyone is welcome to vote.
Here is an example …
Next Kagerou Daze novel release?
The last release was last year in March and I'm wondering if they will be making any more? I haven't read over the dimension yet so I don't know if it's the final book or not, but I would like to know if they will be making any more since Kagerou Project, both manga and novels, haven't had an official ending. Does anyone know if this was the last novel?
- Making contributions to the wiki that violate the Wiki Rules only to get badges is forbidden and will result in strikes, and in a ban if repeatedly done. The badges have already been disabled before because of people doing this, so do not make us do it again. Thank you.
- Edit 02.11.14: It appears some of our newer editors have not read the Wiki Rules yet. We strongly advice you to read through them, as violations can result in strikes or bans. This especially goes for the uploading of Fanart or Images that violate our image policies (Improper file names, improper file sizes).
The Real Summertime Record
The Mekakushi Dan never existed (Aka no Ayano, Takane, Shintaro)
No nothing.
Only Haruka lying ill in some hospital.
He was so lonely that he made imaginary friends, which he imagined every day.
He dreamt about having adventures with these imaginary friends;
Until one day
He chose to dream eternally about those imaginary friends and adventures.
He died happily.
Voice Actor (KagePro) Relationship
Whew! Hey guys! It's been a while since I've made a blog post. I just wanted to say this:
I want to tell you about the fun facts about the voice actors of Mekakucity Actors! The following facts are true, so please watch out for none KagePro related stuff. And here we go:
- Mai Nakahara (Ayano) and Soichiro Hoshi (Seto) both voiced the main characters from the series Higurashi no Naku Koro ni (also known as When They Cry in America). Nakahara played Rena Ryugu while Hoshi played Keiichi Maebara.
- Takuma Terashima (Shintaro) and Mamoru Miyano (Konoha) are both members of the Uta no Prince-sama boy group ST☆RISH.
- Both Terashima and Shinnosuke Tachibana (Kano) are good friends in real life (I think. I don't exactly remember, but I think they are... w…
MAKE A MEKAKUCITY Height Differences
- Just a little post about my observation. At first, I merely glanced at it, but when I looked closely at the MAKE A MEKAKUCITY Special Event sign they had at the Mekakucity Actors official page, I saw something wrong: 2 of the height differences of the cast was messed up. The most noticeable one was Ayano's and Marry's. From guessing, I'd say it differs around 3 inches. That's just wrong. As most knows, they're around the same height, with Marry being 1 centimeter shorter. The other one is with Hibiya and Marry (again). Hibiya is around 4'6 (with Google Converter sorry) and in the picture, the difference is around 2 inches (guessing). That would make her 4'8...
- Just my thoughts. Sorry if this seems stupid to anyone.
Checklists and User Widgets
- Hello again, my dear KagePro fans!
- Since our wiki has gone down in activity a little with the end of the anime, we thought it would be a nice idea to give you more templates to decorate your user pages with. The first template we coded for you is the template, which gives you the possibility of showing which characters you like and dislike with a neat little widget. This is how it looks like:
- How the template works can be read on the template page here!
- Soon, we will also code some achievement and user award widgets, which can be put on your user pages. Some will be only given to you by the admins, though (For example: The Senior Member award. This one will be given to those who have been putting lot of work into our wiki for a long time and …
HaruTaka~ fanfic
I wrote my first fanfic o3o~ And it is a HaruTak :D~!!
WARNING: This HaruTaka is really happy ;) ~!! (I mean it o3o~)
Anyway, enjoy ^w^Rano desu (talk)!!!
Takane, along with other people, was took as a hostage during some robbery. The robbers said they want a 100,000¥, but the people of the market couldn’t give that much since it was a very small market. The robbers warned that they would kill one hostage after an hour if the money didn’t arrive.
Takane who was sitting in the third line of hostages was shacking. ‘Why did I came? I could’ve went to any other market. Ahhh, damn it!’ She thought, annoyed.
Half an hour passed and the money didn’t arrive. People around Takane started to whisper “They’ll just leave us?” “Why didn’t they call the po…
Kagerou Days and daze PV's
I'm not japanese fluent so I wanted to know what's written on Kagerou Days post sign's (that also appears on daze -full ver.- PV), it's really "Stop"?
New to the wiki
I'm a fan of all the kagerou days pv's and manga- But the anime was kind of a disapointment. I've also wanted to join this wiki for a while, but I still don't understand how to contribute or navigate my way around the website. If you have any advice, could you please tell me? ^-^ Thanks!
Sad thing --> Twitter Campaign Read User Agreement section for understanding. Use Google Translate if needed. It's in or <その他> sect. d(TωT)b
Good thing is, TABLETS. GOD THINGS, TABLETS ARE. Plus, you get this stuff! --> Tablet Items ( ^▽^) There's no international shipping. (^▽^ )
Won't anyone cry with me? Just kidding. へ(゜∇、°)へ
- Webpage: My First Tablet - Microsoft ✕ KagePro
Hard Work
Whew! Man, I edited a ton of pages and it was hard work. To be honest, I'm having fun editing. Sure, it's hard work, but it's fun! Thank you~!
So, next week's the premire of Mekakucity Actors. And it's not only that, but next week...
Is my birthday.
Yes, you heard me right: My birthday is on the day Mekakucity Actors airs! So exciting!
Ahem! I also have to go to the Cherry Blossoom Festival at SF and tell the people that Mekakucity Actors is today (But I will only get the Saki keychain). Yes, I speak japanese as well. Take a look at my Twitter account if you don't believe me. So, I hope you wish me a happy birthday. Okay, maybe that last line was very lame-
But, who cares?! Mekakucity Actors is next week. I hope you look forward to it. Chao! :D
MEKAKUCITY V's & Kagerou Daze Vol. 4
I went to JapanTown this morning. I bought volume 4 of the Kagerou Daze manga. I also got MEKAKUCITY V's on DVD.
I loved it. My friends and I saw the music videos, especially Shounen Brave. Have a good Spring Break (Sorry if this blog was too short).
Lost Time Memory- Theory
There two routes, one is is Route 1 and the other is Route XX. Route 1's Shintarou wears a red jacket, while Route XX's Shintarou wears a black hoodie jacket.
In Route 1, Shintarou spoilt his computer by spilling his drink (thanks to Ene) and went out to buy a new one. After, he meets the Mekakushi Dan. In this route, he slowly gets out of his hikikomori habits and becomes a member of the Mekakushi Dan. Here he also gets over his best friend (Ayano's) death, as he form new bonds with the Mekakushi Dan. An incident shown in the song is when Kuroha takes over Konoha's body, and tried shooting himself in the head, in hopes of killing Konoha. But it is interrupted by Shintarou, who takes the shot instead, either killing him or having him half…
Portuguese .-.
I as thinking if me and another guys could make a translation of the wiki for portuguese?
I would like really much, but I need permission ^^
Talk: The Trio's Mysterious Background
I just thought of this but in the Children Record there was a part where Kido changed into Kenjiro and I thought that was really weird. Which is why I have come to a theory that Kido might have been working with Kenjiro for all this time.
Next is Kano, At the beginning of Yobanashi Deceive, he said that there was a monster that spoke inside of him that told im to keep deceiving. I don't know but he might be manipulating the whole dan in mysterious ways.
Last but not the least is Seto. In the Shounen Brave PV, there was a part where Mary was crying in front of a grave then turned into her mother I think and then it turned into Seto. Since Seto couldn't control his ability when he was a kid, he accidentally read Mary's thought and found out th…
What is Kagerou Daze
Hello I'm new to this series. (I'm from Thailand sorry about my bad english :( ) .
I wonder what kagarou daze or heat haze is. In my understanding it's a parallel world ( never-Ending world) Azami created and in that world she brings everybody who died on 15th August right ?
I'm not really sure about this I just wanna know is my understanding is wrong or not :/
If someone could help me to explain what it is I will be very thankful ;)
having trouble finding the translated novels - -
ive been trying SOOOO hard to find the translated versions of the novels and i can never find them ifanyones found a link could you post it XD itd be a great help
Kagerou Project Theories
This is only a theory so feel free to be a critic :P
It is involving Shintarou and Ayano's powers. Isnt eye abilities answers the desires the one whos possesed by a snake of Azami so Ayano's desire is "save everyone's future" so my theory is she has the power to manipulate the future. As Shintarou's desire, he wants to keep clinging on the past so giving him a power to rewing time as seen from the digital clock from the PV cause it keeps turning back to 12:32 after being shot accidentaly by Kuroha.
Seeing as a lot of new information about KagePro has been revealed the wiki will be revamped in the next days. I'll ask every member kindly to not interrupt in my works as I update certain pages or changing layouts. Of course everyone can still add information and such, but if you see I am working on pages try to be careful with what you're editing.
The wiki will contain major spoilers, please be aware of that! Warnings will be put on every page!
Kiwi ♥
Congratulations Jin! You have sucked me into the world of KagePro once again! This time, he has given us the "wonderful" taste of lies. I just love each and everyone of these characters so much, but when you have them in line for the saddest stories, it has to be Imagination Forest! But none the less, he had to give us something that I have been pondering on all night before I went to sleep.
Anyways, I'm looking at the Spring anime schedule; March in particular. I guess the rumor is false, I cannot find that blasted masterpiece anywhere on the list ;A;.
Also, I planned on updating Chapter 7's summary. I haven't done so yet, because I'm a major procrastinator. Also, I have found useful summaries for the first two books (darn't, whens the thir…
Permission from Jin
I have trouble getting in contact with Jin to do my Parody of his song series but I'm having trouble getting hold of him. I sent an email a few months ago and I don't think it got through. I went through the IA site. If any one could give me an email or ask permission that would be nice.
Hello everyone! I'm writing this blog to dearly apologize for the unwanted inactivity on the wiki. I had some trouble keeping up with updates on KagePro beside my personal projects, but I'll be active now again.
Thanks for everyone who uploaded pictures or added information while I was gone ♥
So, another thing is, there are two things that are bothering me right now going around in the fandom. First one is that everyone suddenly now shouts out how it is Kagerou Daze instead of Days. I actually don't understand that, since I see no valid reason why it should be translated differently now. Maybe I missed something while I was gone, but I've neither seen Jin changing the name, nor did the words in the project's name change and they in fact do t…
Wiki Tutorial
Seeing as some people still could need help with editing some pages, and also because I was asked for it, I will start giving you little tutorials on edits now. I'll start with simple codes, but you can always ask me for other codes in the comments c=
Ask me for other simple codes that confuse you, I'll add other tutorials another time. Hope I can help with those ♥
My Longwinded Theories
So here's my theories:
Headphone Actor:
The group of scientists(?) plot to destroy the never-ending world that Azami created. Not knowing how to accomplish this they plot to experiment with different things to try and destroy it. The first idea is to blow it up with bombs like in Headphone Actor. Unfortunately Enomoto got to the site where there were going to throw the bomb from too late. Somehow during this Ene tries to get her out of the city before it's blown up. When Enomoto gets to the scientists(?) they blow up the city much to her shock. Ene then apologizes as she was trying to get her past self to stop them. Konose is somehow at the same place trying to stop them as well. After Enomoto gets there the two team up to try and stop furth…
Konoha Kagerou Dream Theory and more
- Umm... these are my theories for the Kagerou Project.
- Konoha knows Hibiya and Hiyori, right? And according to his song he tries to save him. Hiyori doesn't make it out alive from current knowledge. I have two theories:
- Konoha Kagerou Dream Theory: Konoha watched Hiyori die and Hibiya trying to save her. He dreams of a never ending time loop and keeps trying to save them but can't since its a dream. In song song he says his "see through body won't reach them in time". When he says 'see through' it probably means he's not there, yet he keeps trying to save them.
- Azami Kagerou Time Loop Theory: Azami used her snakes to create a never ending day time loop since her lover was a human and human lives are short. She waits for him but soon realizes he…
Konoha-Ene KagePro Fan-made Theories :K
Not sure if this I can do this in a blog, but I was in the process of showering when this theory literally bombarded my brain.
So Unamed Black Haired Character That's Possibly Killed by Kenjiro is hinted to be Konoha, right? And Konoha and Ene are both non-human beings but were humans in the past life. I mean, Enomoto Takane is Ene's past self (Actor) and the black haired character is probably Konose Haruka, Konoha's past human self.
As far as my headcanon goes at the moment, Konose died because he knew about the Scientists and their Plans and Kenjiro wanted to shut him up. He was then turned into a cyber-being and watched Enomoto play Headphone Actor over and over again. Since I presume Konose and Enomoto were best-friends or siblings or lov…