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Awakening Eyes (目を醒ます Me wo Samasu)[1][2] is the eye ability derived from the Snake of Awakening Eyes (目を醒す蛇 Me wo Samasu Hebi). The snake's powers are based off of Azami's instinct to have a body that suits her needs.

The ability is currently used by Haruka Kokonose, though it is primarily used by Konoha throughout the series.

Eye Ability[]


Konoha's ability gives him the power to remake his body into one that its true owner, Haruka, finds "ideal". Haruka expected to die young from his hereditary illness[3][4], so his ideal body was initially healthy and supernaturally strong to be able to "make friends" with.[5][6][7][8] However, Haruka rejected his remade body, which looked like his video game avatar Konoha, and his body in turn rejected him because of his "meager spirit", so the Snake of Awakening Eyes assumed control of his body instead, leaving Haruka trapped in the Daze.[6][1][8]
Konoha has enormous fighting prowess[9] and is strong enough to break the floor and ceiling above Kenjrou's lab with just his fist in Mekakucity Actors,[9] which requires 0.3 to 1 Ton of force to be accomplished.[10] He can reach over hundreds of meters in the air with a single jump, and also leap horizontally by that much.[11][12][13] He is also very resistant, being able to break inside a building through a window without a single scratch while perfectly shielding Hiyori,[5] and the Snake of Clearing Eyes even expresses surprise that his "indestructible body" can be wounded by a gunshot.[9] In Mekakucity Talkers, Momo claims that Konoha is faster than a bullet train,[14] which is roughly 320 km/hour (199 miles/hour).[15] In the tweets accompanying the Seek at Mekakucity event, Konoha swam from Japan to another country (apparently an European one) in just 40 minutes.[13] In the Novel Route, Konoha is able to heal from a fatal injury with this ability, which appears as multiple black snakes wrapping around his body.[2]

Haruka Kokonose[]

Despite being deprived of his body while in the Daze, Haruka still maintains a connection with it, which allows him to be aware of everything that Konoha hears and sees.[8] This extends to what Konoha experiences both outside and inside the Kagerou Daze.[16][17] However, whenever the Snake of Clearing Eyes takes over his body, Haruka's connection with it is severed,[17] although the last episode of Mekakucity Actors suggests this severance may not be absolute.[9] In the novels, it is said that Haruka's spirit is too weak to handle a supernaturally strong body like Konoha's,[8] which is possibly why, when he retrieves it in Mekakucity Actors, he remakes his body into one that sometimes requires him to use a wheelchair.[9][18] His newest body also has a new hair color, and he keeps the circles on Konoha's right cheek, though they are black like his birthmark instead of pink.[9][18][19]


Azami could use Awakening Eyes to remake her body at will and be virtually indestructible. When in use, it would appear as a mass of black snakes that completely surrounded her before revealing her new form.[20][21] She could use this ability to heal from several fatal gunshots and presumably other otherwise lethal wounds.[21][22][23] In the Novel Route, she mentions that she drowned many times while trying to cross the sea, implying that Awakening Eyes repeatedly revived her.[24] She first used this ability to create her body from scratch, having changed her form several times before sticking to the humanoid appearance she is known for. She maintained her current form as her primary one despite finding it fragile and inconvenient for locomotion,[23][24] and it is unknown if she could have drastically changed herself from it anymore.

Snake of Clearing Eyes[]

The Snake of Clearing Eyes forcefully suppresses Konoha's conscience when possessing him,[25][26][9][27] although Konoha can sometimes resist its influence, even if temporarily.[28][29] It uses Awakening Eyes' appearance-altering abilities to change Konoha's color scheme to a black, gray and yellow one upon possession, and it can skillfully use Konoha's superhuman strength and speed.[25][30][9][27] For example, in the manga, it causes a landslide with a single kick,[31] and, in the novels, it causes an explosion with a single step to propel itself towards Marry at a breakneck speed.[32]
Thanks to its wide degree of knowledge, it is able to use Awakening Eyes in ways that Azami and Konoha never have. For example, in the Novel Route, it uses Awakening Eyes to rebuild its body molecule by molecule to gain immunity against Concealing Eyes.[32] A similar feat occurs in Manga Route 2,[33] although it is unknown whether this was done by the same method as the one shown in the Novel Route. Also in Manga Route 2, it rebuilds itself and its appearance to avoid being detected by Focusing Eyes,[28] and later it further rebuilds Konoha's body to become immune to even Combining Eyes' direct commands.[31] It also displays Awakening Eyes' regenerative properties, as it manages to quickly recover after being buried underneath a landslide.[34] Awakening Eyes' power manifests as a black aura, and sometimes in the form of snakes, when the Snake of Clearing Eyes uses it.[28][25][9][27]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Konoha no Sekai Jijou
  2. 2.0 2.1 Kagerou Daze IV -the missing children-, Children Record V
  3. Kagerou Daze Vol. 10, 50. Lost Daze II
  4. Kagerou Daze VI -over the dimension-, Lost Days ∙ 1
  5. 5.0 5.1 Kagerou Daze Vol. 11, 55. Additional Memory I
  6. 6.0 6.1 Mekakucity Actors, Act 07: Konoha no Kakuu Sekai
  7. Kagerou Daze Vol. 10, 53. Lost Daze V
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 Kagerou Daze VI -over the dimension-, Lost Days ∙ 8
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 Mekakucity Actors, Act 12: Summertime Record
  10. [1]
  11. Kagerou Daze III -the children reason-, Children Record 1
  12. Kagerou Daze Vol. 10, 49. Lost Daze I
  13. 13.0 13.1 Konoha's tweets from Seek at Mekakucity
  14. Mekakucity Talkers 02, Scene 14
  15. Shinkansen page on Wikipedia
  16. Kagerou Daze III -the children reason-, Konoha no Sekai Jijou
  17. 17.0 17.1 Kagerou Daze VIII -summer time reload-, Children Record side -No. 9-
  18. 18.0 18.1 Summertime Record
  19. Mekakucity Reload Limited Edition A booklet, Lost Day Hour
  20. Kagerou Daze Vol. 8, 37. Shinigami Record VII
  21. 21.0 21.1 Mekakucity Actors, Act 10: Kuusou Forest
  22. Kagerou Daze IV -the missing children-, Shinigami Record II
  23. 23.0 23.1 Kagerou Daze Vol. 7, 33. Shinigami Record III
  24. 24.0 24.1 Kagerou Daze IV -the missing children-, Shinigami Record I
  25. 25.0 25.1 25.2 Outer Science
  26. Kagerou Daze Vol. 11, 57. Additional Memory III
  27. 27.0 27.1 27.2 Kagerou Daze VII -from the darkness-, Children Record side -No. 1 (2)-
  28. 28.0 28.1 28.2 Kagerou Daze Vol. 12, 62. No title
  29. Losstime Memory
  30. Kagerou Daze Vol. 4, 18. Kagerou Daze I
  31. 31.0 31.1 Kagerou Daze Vol. 13, 66. Imaginary Reload III
  32. 32.0 32.1 Kagerou Daze VIII -summer time reload-, Children Record side -No. 3- (2)
  33. Kagerou Daze Vol. 13, 65. Imaginary Reload II
  34. Kagerou Daze Vol. 13, 67. Imaginary Reload IV
